In the past, large multinational corporations and smaller mom and pop shops alike captured and retained customers for their products and services using traditional marketing strategies. One of the most popular traditional marketing strategies consisted of placing large and impressive print ads in newspapers and magazines across the country. Another one of the most popular marketing strategies consisted of building large billboards in busy city intersections. Another one of the most popular marketing strategies consisted of showcasing products and services at a large annual or semi annual convention; the most successful companies always made sure to reserve tables and booths at those conventions which regularly attracted thousands of prospective customers and investors.
The most successful companies realized that it was not enough to reserve a table or a booth at a large annual or semi annual convention. After all, customers and clients who visited those conventions only had so many hours in the day to visit so many tables and booths. Because people are often attracted to shiny and bright things, these customers and clients often bypassed the boring booths and tables in order to visit the booths and tables which had the flashiest displays. The most successful companies recognized that they needed to make their booths and tables stand out from their competition if they wanted to capture and retain customers for their products and services.
The solution was elegant, yet simple. The most successful companies started to record elaborate finance videos which they could play at their tables and booths in order to capture and retain customers for their products and services. Although some companies preferred to film their own finance videos, most companies preferred to outsource their finance videos to third party filmmakers who specialized in producing high quality finance videos for their clients. An independent researcher who was writing about finance videos once asked several large companies why they outsourced their finance videos to third party filmmakers who specialized in finance videos. The companies almost always responded that they lacked the time, energy, resources, and expertise required to produce the kind of high quality finance videos that were guaranteed to attract customers.
In the past, these finance videos typically only graced booths and tables at large conventions. Today, however, digital technologies have obviated many traditional marketing strategies such as large conventions. Companies cannot hope to capture and retain customers for their products and services using large conventions now that the vast majority of customers learn about new products and services through social media platforms such as Facebook or through search engines such as Google. However, these digital technologies have not obviated finance videos. Instead, many of the largest and most successful companies have decided to upload their finance videos to their Facebook and Twitter accounts. This new marketing strategy can reach millions of more people than traditional marketing strategies ever could. Consequently, more and more companies are starting to commission finance videos from third party filmmakers who specialize in producing high quality finance videos for their clients.
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