6 Ways to Find the Right International Employees

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Finding good employees can be a real challenge. When you are looking to hire international workers, the whole process is a lot more complicated. In the first place, you have foreign employment compliance issues to deal with. You can always hire an outsourced payroll services company to help you with the legalities involved. This is a key thing you should do. Even if you are working across a border, there are a vast payroll differences between USA and Canada, for example. Finding the right people can also be a real challenge as well. Here are some tips to finding the best international staff.

  1. Spend some time thinking about what your needs are. It is easy to have a vague or nebulous idea of what you think you want in your international employees. It is much harder to narrow the things down to specific qualities and a specific skill set. Some businesses find it helpful to make a list of your needs and wants. Think about your company culture and how the new international hires will add to it.
  2. Trust but verify. There may be a vast array of foreign employment compliance laws that you need to follow when you hire international staff. You do not want the candidates you are considering to think that you do not trust the people you are talking to but it is even more important to check everything they tell you when you are hiring international staff. It is critical to do your due diligence when you are hiring international staff. Proper vetting of potential employees can make a difference in the experience you have after they become a member of your team. Talk to their references. You should check everything they tell you as best as you can.
  3. Talk to your networks. If you are doing business in another country, there is a great chance that you know other people who are doing business in the same area. You probably attend international conferences and other events where you are able to build your professional network. That is one of the main reasons these events are put together in the first place. Reach out to your networks and see if they have recommendations or if they know the candidates you are already considering.
  4. Check out work they have done before. This is easier for some positions you may be hiring than for others. If you are hiring staff that have bodies of work that can show you what the quality of work they do is, you should take the time to look over the work they have done. If you are hiring social media specialists in another country, you should check out their social media profiles for the other companies they have worked with. This is not always an option. Hiring office managers or other office staff may is a different thing all together, for instance.
  5. Start the new international staff off with a smaller project. If you are looking for international staff, once you hire someone, give them a “trial run.” If you are looking to hire web developers, do not start them out on your number one client for their first work. Give them something smaller and then look at the quality of the work that they are able to turn in. This can make the process a lot more successful.
  6. Have all of your i’s dotted and t’s crossed. There are a lot of issues of foreign employment compliance ranging from payroll management, issues pertaining to how to pay employees tax and other issues. You may need to hire a payroll processing company that is based in the country where your new employees will be based to make sure you do everything the way you need to. There are way too many big problems that you can make for yourself if you fail to do your due diligence here.

There are a lot of opportunities and pitfalls that come along with hiring international workers. For some, the issues are all around foreign employment compliance laws and the like. Finding the right people can make all the difference when you are working with international staff members and your experience will be better if you do your research.

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