Did you know that 62% of Singaporeans fear that they will not have enough money saved up for retirement? Nearly half of Singaporeans also believe that their lack of retirement funding stems from the high cost of living. Fortunately, no matter what is causing your lack of retirement savings, mutual funds are able to help. Mutual funds are a type of investment that can generate a large ROI when done correctly, so it is important to seek help from professional financial planners.
– What are mutual funds? A mutual fund is a type of investment that pools money from hundreds or thousands of investors to purchase securities, such as stocks and bonds. Because of this, it is relatively simple to withdraw your investment when you find it necessary. Intelligent investments are done by comparing mutual fund ratings, as this will allow you to invest in securities that have high return potential. Additionally, mutual funds make it simple to diversify your portfolio, which can be helpful when it comes time to redeem your funds. However, before investing in mutual funds, it is important to consult a financial planner.
– Why seek help from professional financial planners? There are currently more than 10,000 mutual funds available, which makes it difficult to select the right investments. Fortunately, financial planners can help you choose the top performing mutual funds through diligent fund research and financial decision making. Professional financial planners will explore different options depending on your needs, and they will compare mutual fund ratings to help you make an intelligent decision. By doing so, you will be more likely to make profitable investments.
In times of monetary instability, it is important to do all you can to guarantee your financial future. Fortunately, mutual funds can help make this possible. Mutual funds are highly profitable when done correctly, so it is essential to seek help from a financial planner. By doing so, you will be able to properly save for retirement. See this reference for more: sg.morningstar.com