Did You Just Win the Lottery? Celebrate, Then Plan Ahead

What to do when you win the lottery? First of all, of course, you should celebrate! Break out the champagne, throw a party, start looking at brochures for a cruise or your dream home. But quite early on, maybe even in the first week or so, you should make a financial plan. It might seem […]

What to Do When You Win The Lottery

If you have been lucky enough to win the lottery, you know your life is about to change in a big way. There are so many decisions that come with receiving such a lot of money, all of a sudden. Not only will your life change, but the lives of those around you will also. […]

After Years of Overseeing Lottery Payments West Virginia’s Commissioner Retires

About half (48%) of all lotto winners work after they win. Unfortunately for the last 19 years John Musgrave wasn’t able to participate in such activity, but that didn’t stop him from feeling like he won the lottery every day. Musgrave was a a Sunday school teacher and on the board of directors at his […]

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