If you need a loan, you may dread waiting in line to speak to a loan officer at your bank and then hoping they will lend you money. However, there is a new trend available for those who want to skip the bank and apply for a loan online. This process is referred to as […]
Author: Finance Video
Five Reasons Your Next Car Loan Should Be From A Credit Union
If you’re looking at getting a new car, you’re probably also looking at ways to finance that vehicle. About 43% of all people are currently financing their cars, and the average borrower is carrying nearly $18,000 in debt for their vehicle. Whatever type of car you’re planning on getting, here are some good reasons to […]
I Want To Apply For A Bank Account What Should I Know First?
You need to apply for a bank account. Whether this is your first time having your own bank account after graduating or you’ve been predominantly using Paypal as your means of storing your funds, this can seem like a very simple and very complex task. Which bank is best when it comes to helping you […]
Setting Up A Corporation In New York State
Whether you think you have the next big invention, you’re starting out in private practice or consulting, or you have a great business idea ready for prime time, setting up a corporation has a broad range of benefits. A corporation is a separate legal entity from its founders, owners and/or employees, which has many of the […]
Qualities to Look for When Choosing a Bank
When it comes to choosing a bank, many people feel unsure about what to look for. Do they go for the bank that offers a free toaster? While free gifts with personal checking accounts sound great, there are a few things to keep in mind when deciding what bank to sign up with. Learn more […]
What to Know About Opening a New Checking Account
Most people have a checking account that they use regularly, but occasionally a situation arises where it seems like a good time to open one at a different bank. This might have to do with closing one account to move everything to another one, or it might be because you have reason to think that […]
Surging Tech Stocks Lead In Market Cap
In one of the strongest signs yet of the long-term effects of the economic recovery, for the first time since 1974, the world’s five largest corporations by market capitalization are both US-based and all in the same sector. While the last two years have been particularly bullish for tech stocks, the broader-market slowdown combined with […]
Help! I Got An Extra Tax Refund!
So you haven’t even filed your taxes yet and you got a refund from the IRS. Free money, right? Not to mention the time you just saved gathering all the paperwork, going to your financial advisor or accountant, and filing your 1040. Unfortunately, nothing with the IRS is ever that easy. It may be an […]
3 Benefits of Living Near the Beach
Statistics gathered from Spring 2017 found that 9.26 million people within the United States currently own a second home. Considering that, it’s understandable to wonder where you want your potential second home to be located. In fact, statistics show that 36% of those who purchased vacation homes chose a property in a beach area. It’s […]
Sales, Sides, and Advising
At any given time in teh United States, there are almost 15 potential and prospective buyers that are n the market for every one business that is listed for sale. Now, the number 15 may not seem like it is anywhere near overwhelming but it is important to understand the world of business is strong […]
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