To Sell Your Business, You Must First Set a Value

For many business owners, their only exit strategy is a sale of the company, either because they have no heirs or they don’t have employees who can take over the business. A business owner getting out of the business is going to want to get as much as possible for the business, which is why […]

How to Handle Winning the Lottery With Other People

Recently, as I was standing in line at the bank, I overheard the employees chattering excitedly regarding the upcoming lottery. Apparently it was going for a lot of money this time and people were hopeful. Everyone was talking about having a secure financial future and how it would be even better if it came so […]

Struggling With Overdue Mortgage? Consider Applying For Annuity

How do you create a secure financial future? Some would say it’s saving up your money bit by bit in a piggy bank, only cracking it open in case of an emergency. Others would say it’s spending your money wisely and avoiding temptation. Yet more would note that it’s difficult to save money without a […]

Five Things You Need to Know About Annuities

Annuities and debt can often be hard concepts to understand and address, but paying off your debt doesn’t have to be a struggle. Understanding the definition and purpose of an annuity and ways to reduce debt are the first steps to becoming financially smarter. What is an Annuity? An annuity is a financial product sold […]

3 Important Things to Keep in Mind When Commissioning a Business Valuation Company

Companies used to be able to turn to accounting firms or other financial institutions to have a business valuation calculated. It only made sense that these number-savvy individuals who spend much of their workday analyzing financial data would be a good resource for a business valuation service. As with most aspects of business, however, specialization […]

Did You Just Win the Lottery? Celebrate, Then Plan Ahead

What to do when you win the lottery? First of all, of course, you should celebrate! Break out the champagne, throw a party, start looking at brochures for a cruise or your dream home. But quite early on, maybe even in the first week or so, you should make a financial plan. It might seem […]

Commecial Estate What To Expect When Investing

Commercial real estate is an industry that is undoubtedly booming — a fact that is made even more remarkable by the fact that a few years ago, real estate seemed to have an uncertain future. If you’re wondering about how to buy commercial real estate, or for that matter how to get into the industry […]

Is Snapchat Doing Fine? Yep, It’s The Number One Social Media Site for Teens

Last year, Snapchat surprised the world by turning down a $3 BILLION buyout from rival social network Facebook. This year, though, that decision might be looking to be a wise one. It?s one of the most popular social networking apps among millennials, ranking at number 3 when the offer was made — today, the app […]

3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Deciding Between Lump Sum and Annuity Payments

Winning a jackpot lottery, structured settlement annuity, or some other deal that results in an annuity settlement can be a very exciting and rewarding experience, but it also raises an important question: do you want the money in lump sum or annuity? Deciding between lump sum and annuity can be a difficult decision and is […]

3 Good Reasons to Sell Your Structured Settlements

A structured settlement annuity can be obtained in a variety of different ways. For example, you could be awarded one as the terms for a personal injury or workers compensation settlement, elect to choose your lottery annuity payment that way, or simply invest in one through a third party. Unfortunately, for many different reasons you […]

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