Looking for Ready Cash? Selling an Annuity Settlement Can Bring You Financial Freedom

Are you currently faced with a situation in life where the lack of funds or a financial setback is preventing you from carrying out your dreams? Financial problems can crop up at any point of time, and their most immediate impact on people usually is a mix of hopelessness and despair. Mounting debt or failure…

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3 Instances Where Selling a Structured Settlement is a Smart Mo

Do you receive monthly payments from a structured annuity settlement that you acquired from a lawsuit, lottery payments, or an inheritance? If so, you’ve probably seen advertisements on tv that entice you to cash in structured settlement payments any time you want a little more spending money– to take a nice vacation, to buy Christmas…

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After Years of Overseeing Lottery Payments West Virginia’s Commissioner Retires

About half (48%) of all lotto winners work after they win. Unfortunately for the last 19 years John Musgrave wasn’t able to participate in such activity, but that didn’t stop him from feeling like he won the lottery every day. Musgrave was a a Sunday school teacher and on the board of directors at his…

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