The 3 Jobs Your Company Needs to Fill to Create a Strong Financial Base

If you’re a business looking to build a strong financial foundation, there are several jobs in accounting you’ll need to fill, each requiring workers with specific personality traits and educational backgrounds. Company structures vary depending on size and individual needs, but here’s what you should generally be thinking of trying to fill in terms of […]

Exploring Debt Relief Options Which is Best For Your Financial Needs and Goals?

Medical, student loan, and credit card debt — or a combination of all three — is something that affects the majority of Americans. Total American consumer debt is over $11 trillion dollars, and according a recent CBS New Report, continues to rise by an estimated $75 million dollars every hour. Of the course of the […]

How to Find a Reputable Debt Relief Company

If you’re like many American consumers, you may have found yourself buried in debt and in need of serious debt help. Whether it’s student loan debt, medical bills, or credit card debt, we all seem to have debt in some form or another. As such, many Americans seeking help with debt and financial planning advice […]

Top Three Causes of Debt in America

One of the most common problems Americans face is debt. All together, Americans owe a total of over $11 trillion, which usually comes from one or more of three sources. Here is what they are, and what you can do if you’re one of the many Americans who need debt help. Student Loans We all […]

Eight Tips to Avoid Small Payroll Mistakes

A small business owner has to wear many hats. Owning your own small business often means you are the only employee, or one of a few. You have to handle many responsibilities, many of which may not exactly be in your wheelhouse. Hopefully you’re good at math, because there is an awful lot of math […]

Why Annuities Aren’t a Bad Thing

Annuities are getting a pretty bad rap when people talk about investing and options for saving for retirement. Part of the problem is that people don’t understand much about annuities or what the benefits of owning them actually are. What are annuities? They’re basically just an insurance product that will at some point create a […]

A Smart Pharmacy’s Secret Weapon A Mobile POS System

Slowly but surely, mobile POS systems have become the preferred choice for small businesses across the country, no matter what services or products they sell. It isn’t surprising that POS systems began to be more mobile-friendly, when you think about it, because we’re already so accustomed to using mobile devices like cell phones and tablets […]

The Secret for Independent Pharmacy Success

If you own an independent pharmacy and you’ve been thinking that it’s time to update your POS system, there’s a new trend catching on in the industry, and it might sound like too much of a change for one small business, but it’s definitely an investment that will make your pharmacy better able to compete […]

4 Steps That Can Get You Out of Debt

According to Statistic Brain, each American has an average of $2,200 of credit card debt, adding up to a total of $849.8 billion. But credit cards are just one form of debt, accounting for 5.5% of household debt in the United States. Altogether, Americans have about $11.13 trillion in debt. Those numbers can be overwhelming. […]