Valuation Market Approach Is One Way to Determine the Selling Price of a Business

How many businesses have you started? How many businesses have you sold? If you are an investor who has bought, started, and sold many businesses, you likely understand the process of determining the value of any company. Approximately 543,000 new businesses are opened every month. In contrast, just as many employer businesses shut down than […]

How to Choose the Right Broker to Sell Your Home

If you are considering buying or selling your home this is a big financial decision. Minimizing your costs should be your number one priority in order to maximum the potential. Real estate can be a complicated process and although there are risks involved, it can be a worth while investment. Whether you are selling commercial […]

The Right Way to Start a New Business

Let’s say you are looking to start your own business. There’s no better feeling than being in business for yourself as a young, successful entrepreneur. It’s not as simple as nailing some planks together and writing “Lemonade Stand” on it. You have to deal with the bureaucracy of licensing, making sure to have proper capital […]

Should I Take a Structured Settlement for My Lottery Winnings? Finance Pros Want to Talk to You

Credit cards are everywhere: the average American adult has at least three credit cards, and owes more than $15,000 in total. There are actually more than 1.5 billion cards in circulation around the world; if they were laid end-to-end, they would circle the entire globe more than three times. Sometimes it can seem like working […]

Structured Settlements May Sound Great, But How Much are You Really Paying in Fees Every Year?

If your bills seem to be mounting higher and higher, recent studies show that you are in the same financial situation as about one-third of American adults. Almost 65 million Americans reported recently that they are working to pay down medical bills and other living expenses like auto loans and school debt. Most American households […]

Three Reasons For Pre Settlement Loans

The United States has a legal system which allows a person to seek financial renumerations for injury, giving people who have been hurt through no fault of their own a recourse to be reimbursed for pain and suffering. Unfortunately, the legal system is often not cheap. Plaintiffs can be nearly certain of receiving a financial […]

Why You Need Your Cash Upfront — Three Reasons To Sell Your Structured Settlement

You’re giddy with excitement! You have just received a sizable settlement from a lawsuit or a lottery. You happily think of the credit card bills you will pay, the things you need that you can finally have, the chance to eliminate debt. But…your smile fades when you find out that the money you had been […]

How You Can Spend the Money After Selling Your Structured Settlement

Why exactly are so many people choosing to sell their structured settlements and get cash before settlement payments are sent out? There are plenty of reasons why people end up with a structured settlement but don’t exactly want to continue receiving payments through it — from winning a lottery annuity to receiving a settlement after […]

Commercial Real Estate The Best Time To Invest Is Always Now

Commercial real estate is defined as space that is used exclusively for business purposes. In 2012, the total value of such property in the United States was estimated to be more than 12 trillion dollars. The holdings of the Real Estate Investment Trust for hotels and motels alone totals about $8.7 billion. If you’re considering […]

Debt is a Problem With Many Households Get Cash for an Annuity Now

If you have cash bound up in an annuity, a settlement, a lottery winning that you won; then you probably want the cash from it sooner rather than later. When you need extra cash, you need the cash now. The average household’s credit cards balance is around $7,200, with 13 payment cards. This means that […]